Many perceive personal care as a kind of a pretty tough challenge. It appears that apart from us doing it for a few long years, we aren’t still sure if we do this right. The truth is, many beauty companies keep messing with our heads and habits by telling us that we should wash our hair this way, or that we remove makeup in a wrong way. Also, many of them want to make us believe that there is just one way to clean face to enjoy flawless skin. Of course, our skin will be unmatched providing that we use only their skin care products. You know what? They aren’t always right.

Therefore, even if we just theoretically know how to use particular face skin products, we often fail to apply them in the right order. There are also people who don’t give a rat’s a$$ about it, they just apply the skin care products in a slapdash way. If you want to finally, once and for all, learn the correct and the basic face skin care and cleansing ritual – keep reading!

Lately, I’ve been having more time on my hands so I can devote more time to face cleansing. For example, I’ve started taking advantage of OCM, which is a technique of freeing skin from impurities and dirt due to natural oils. This is a sheer pleasure and a godsend for my face.

I know that there are many of you who believe that using a micellar lotion to take makeup off is basically it. Sadly, this belief is rather false. Micellar lotion will never give you what a cleansing facial gel, toner or foam does. It must be realized that face skin needs something more to remain beautiful, strong and healthy for longer. Skin must be supplied with everything it needs to preserve its youthfulness. Therefore, let me give you a few hints on how to take good care of your face skin – but don’t worry, these will be just 5 short and easy-to-follow tips, but the benefits… whoa!

5 steps to flawless face skin

STEP 1: Cleansing

Trust me, a face cream isn’t the most important element of proper skin care routine because it’s the cleansing. Freeing skin from dirt is the core of having healthy skin as is it the key element of wise skin care. Poorly cleansed skin can neither carry out its functions properly nor is it able to absorb nourishing substances well. Therefore, even the world’s best face cream won’t be effective if applied to dirty skin.

Furthermore, remember that makeup residues and dead epidermal cells clog the outlets of oil glands which consequently makes it hard for skin to breathe. Also, such skin features acne and blackheads. Sounds familiar? Let me put it this way, if you don’t cleanse skin properly, this will upset its normal functioning. Undoubtedly, your skin will work but like a broken watch. And this extremely dry/oily face… this is another sign that shouldn’t be neglected and left without any reaction from your side. Just choose a face cleansing method that suits you most and be persistent and religious with it. The good news is that there are a few methods to choose from. I’m going to give you my two favorite:

  • OCM (oil cleansing method) – natural oils are dope! The list of benefits is literally too long to present it now, however, I’ll tell you this and that about natural oils. For example, despite being oily and greasy, they are really good at removing other grease and oil therefore they are able to remove all color cosmetics, including even waterproof makeup. Of course, they also collect excess sebum from the face. Additionally, quality natural oils soothe skin and improve its appearance, deliver vitamins and sterols as well as the youth-restoring flavonoides. Well, I just love them.Just make sure that the natural oils you want to treat your face skin with are high-quality. Get yourself castor oil because this is the base ingredient for OCM oil blends. Naturally, you can also buy some ready-made oil blends but always check them for being 100% natural and certified.
  • micellar lotion + face cleansing mousse (or any chosen facial gel) – indeed, this is just a classic in terms of face washing and cleansing. I’m sure, most of you have a micellar lotion at home, and you probably use it to remove makeup with, which is totally fine! Micelles are really good at attracting dirt but remember that using micellar lotion shouldn’t constitute the last stage of your face cleansing routine. You need to wash this thin layer of micellar lotion from your face. Therefore, follow with products such as face cleansing mousse.

STEP 2: Skin toner

Heh, most of you don’t longer remember what a skin toner is because you believe that a micellar lotion does the work, which means that you are convinced that it doesn’t only cleanse skin but also tones it up. However, skin toner is a really vital element of daily skin care routine: it restores skin’s pH, makes skin more acidic, softens epidermis and improves skin’s ability to absorb nutrients. Obviously, skin toner additionally takes care of face because in most cases it contains plant extracts and other precious and valuable nutrients.

Which skin toner is the best?

Yes, you’re right. You should match skin toner to your skin type. Still, I’d like to suggest you to find a skin toner that is all-natural, with no silicones or dehydrating alcohols. Also, your skin would be grateful if you treated it with a skin toner that doesn’t contain any mineral oil/paraffinum/petroleum derivatives.

Personally, I adore herbal distillates, which are flower waters that are obtained thanks to distillation process that some plants are exposed to obtain essential oils. Herbal distillates are non-overburdening, all-natural and skin just adores them. In the summer, I’d suggest you to make use of thermal water. It features many precious elements that are beneficial for skin.

STEP 3: Face serum

I can’t live without it! Face serum is one of the skin care products that delivers the strongest effects. Actually, face serum is the only beauty product that I’m fussy about. From my own experience, I can tell you that the longer the list of ingredients it has, the more nasty it is. Trust me, there is no point in looking for some weird-sounding substances, just go for this long-know vitamin C, hyaluronic acid or retinol. Only this type of serum will give you intensive skin revival.

There is just one last thing that I should say while discussing the topic of face serums. Namely, a good night face serum is… a natural oil! So, instead of buying a separate day and night face serum, apply natural oil before going to sleep. You should be satisfied with one of the following: argan, avocado or macadamia oil.

STEP 4: Eye cream

This is where your skin gets the most delicate. This is where the first fine lines appear. Therefore, a light and moisturizing eye cream should be introduced into your daily skin care ritual after you turn 20! Will I surprise you if I told you that I love applying natural oils to eye skin?

Argan oil is my absolute fave when it comes to skin care. Actually, I keep using it often and I apply it almost to any part of my body. And I see a tremendous improvement in the way my skin, hair and nails look now. Moreover, you should try combining a natural oil with hyaluronic acid. Such a blend will gift your skin with youthful appearance and resilience.

STEP 5: Face cream

Obviously, face cream is a something that was used, is used and will be used in the future – it’s a timeless face care classic. Make sure that the one you use matches your skin type and satisfies its needs. Also, check the list of ingredients – just make sure that the substances used are natural.

Many of you ask me whether it’s okay to use one day-and-night cream instead of two separate products. In my opinion, a night cream is richer in nourishing substances. Therefore, I’d wholeheartedly entourage you not to resign from using a good night cream. Go for versatility and use a day face cream, and a separate night face cream.

And that’s pretty all. Simple and really effective! Tell me how your daily face care look like.