
What do you use to remove makeup with?

In general, I use a micellar cleanser because recently it has become one of the most popular products that ladies use to remove makeup. But when I don’t have much time… I use water with soap to free my face from color cosmetics. I know, I know… by doing this I cause damage to my lashes and I encourage fine lines to appear on my face at my own request. However, there are days that I can’t afford to wonder and choose which makeup remover to use.

However, I found time to prepare a comparison of the most popular makeup removers – micellar cleanser, milk makeup remover and oil – especially for you. I hope that after reading this entry, you will take makeup off in the right way 🙂


I’ll start from giving you a word of caution. Do you know how badly you can end up if you refuse to remove makeup?

I know that some of you might find this solution convenient because slovenly removed makeup gives you this nice-looking smoky eye effect in the morning so… you are ready to go without applying makeup since it’s already on your face. Indeed, that’s convenient. Sometimes you are so exhausted that you don’t feel like spending 15 minutes in front of a mirror to take makeup off.

No matter the reason you go to sleep with makeup on. What you have to realize though is that carelessly removed makeup (or left overnight!):

  • may cause irritations and allergic reactions
  • clogs skin pores and triggers acne cosmetica
  • impedes proper skin self-renewal processes
  • makes skin age faster
  • may cause intensified problem of lash loss
  • disturbs natural functions of skin (e.g. leads to seborrhea)


Since you know now that makeup has to be removed at bedtime no matter what (I hope that you knew that before), it’s time to take up some action. How should you begin makeup removal? Obviously, from choosing the right face cleanser!

Not every makeup remover suits all skin types. For example, dry skin requires other set of nourishing substances than oily skin. It’s also worth realizing that nowadays many people consider the multi-stage face cleansing as the best solution to remove makeup with, and you need a few skincare products for that. When combined wrongly, or when used in a wrong sequence, it can cause serious skin problems.

Do you want to know which makeup remover to choose? Here you go – below you will find a comparison of the most popular makeup removers nowadays 🙂


I guess, there are no better or worse products. What matter are the needs of your skin and our preferences for skincare products.

What are the makeup removers that you can choose from?

1. Micellar cleanser

A top product that I eagerly use myself is a micellar cleanser. It’s non-greasy, very efficient and is perfectly suitable to wipe makeup off. Its high performance is owed to the texture – its made of micelas, which are molecules that are able to attract dirt, bond with it and then remove the impurities from face. Without rubbing and unnecessary eyelid stretching. All you have to do is damp a cotton pad with a micellar cleanser, press it to closed eye and that’s pretty all. Sadly, some micellar cleansers can contribute to skin dehydration, especially when the skin is dry by nature.

2. Milk makeup remover

A slightly more greasy consistency is offered by milk makeup remover. It works well when your skin is dry (in other words, when micellar cleanser isn’t advised). A high quality milk makeup remover should deal even with waterproof color cosmetics, and owing to its gentle consistency, it can be applied to sensitive and irritation-prone skin. Minuses? It isn’t able to collect impurities as effectively as micellar cleanser does therefore makeup removal with milk takes a little bit more time. Sadly, I don’t find this solution convenient – I’m not that patient.

3. Bi-phase makeup remover

This product in turn is a kind of a cosmetic hodgepodge. On one hand you have water, which is a little bit micellar-cleanser-ish but, on the other hand, there is also an oily phase, which is a kind of milk makeup remover. Personally, I’m not a big fan of bi-phase makeup removers because they are fairly greasy and require being shaken before use. My skin doesn’t take to such products but I know that this type of removers are appreciated by women who prefer wearing heavy makeup.

4. Cleansing oil

The last suggestion from me today is a cleansing oil. I have to admit that I’m currently testing this technique of removing makeup with oils because I’ve read a lot about OCM (oil cleansing method). Now I’m trying to work out my customized oil blend, so I haven’t found out yet which oil combined with castor oil would suit me best. What I know though is that oil is just perfect when it comes to taking makeup off (even waterproof) and additionally it takes care of skin, balances pH, soothes irritations and prevents skin dehydration.

Tell me in the comments what your favorite makeup removers are. 🙂