We all want to look lovely on the beach. What if stretch marks spoil our summer plans and dreams? Don’t worry! There are ways for getting rid of the unwanted lines and looking your best while enjoying the sunrays. Read the text and learn what to do to have smooth, healthy-looking skin.

How are stretch marks formed?

These marks usually affect the belly, hips, breasts, thighs, buttocks, bicepses and the back. They appear whenever the skin stretches beyond its possibilities. Stretch marks also occur due to hormonal changes, steroid treatment, poor diet and genetic predisposition, mostly affecting pregnant women, obese people, teenagers and sportspeople.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

The removal method depends on the degree of their development. If they are pretty old, you might need a surgery. With fresh marks, the odds are that you’re going to handle them on your own or with the cosmetologist’s assistance. Try esthetic medicine procedures and suitable cosmetics, eat a healthy diet and start exercising.

What to use to lessen intensity of stretch marks?

You can test pearl creams which are designed for smoothing the stretch marks as well as removing scars and hyperpigmentation, evening out skin tone and repairing the skin. All kinds of products that moisturize, brighten, firm up and lubricate the skin are equally effective.

Esthetic medicine to treat stretch marks

When cosmetics fail, you might feel like giving esthetic medicine a try. You can test:

  • fractional laser: impulses penetrate the skin and cause microdamage in a controlled way. This effect of laser light stimulates repair and formation of healthy cells;
  • chemabrasion: medical peel using acids to exfoliate the epidermis and stimulate production of new cells. During the procedure, salicylic acid, glycolic acid or azelaic acid is used;
  • mesotherapy: the procedure involves injecting nutrient-dense preparations into the skin to trigger production of collagen;
  • dermabrasion and microdermabrasion: both treatments focus on the abrasion of the upper skin layer, smoothing stretch marks and deep exfoliation. They stimulate skin repair, improve blood flow and enhance collagen production.