Makeup artists recommend replacing color cosmetics with new ones at least twice a year. And this principle mostly applies to those products that have to be used either summer or winter. The good news is that you don’t have to break up with all your beauty products. What should you do to help your cosmetics preserve their properties longer and serve you well?

One fragrance for ever

It’s not a secret that you should change fragrance with every new season coming. But what if you haven’t managed to use up one phial throughout three months? Keep it safe and ensure the best conditions so you can use it again later. Follow the below pieces of advice:

  1. Keep the fragrance from the sunlight, moisture and airy rooms.
  2. Put it somewhere in a dry place.
  3. Hide the phial into the original packaging.
  4. Don’t expose the fragrance to high temperatures.
  5. Leave the fragrance far away from kitchen and bathroom.
  6. Basically, it’d be best if you kept the fragrances in your bedroom.

Stone, cake and powder cosmetics

These are the beauty products that remain unchanged for the longest because neither do they contain water nor oils. Still, it’s a good practice to wipe the packaging surface and the inside from time to time. To do so, use cotton pads and Q-tips dampen with micellar lotion. It’s also a wise thing to do to protect the beauty products against humidity, water and high temperature. Therefore, you should keep them in a dry room, close them tightly or put into a plastic bag.

Creams and balms

This type of body care products should be used up within 6 months. And this rule mostly applies to creams and balms sold in jars that allow easy access to bacteria transported either from our fingers or air. As you can see now, it’s better to use creams and balms that are available in bottles, with a pump dispenser and airtight application system.


It’s safe to wear one tube of mascara for three months only. However, it sometimes happens that you can spot a difference in the effects mascara creates sooner. Well, this is connected with screwing the cap loosely so bacteria and oxygen have an easy access to the mascara. Consequently, the product dries out and you can see lumps clinging to the wand. Then you transport the same impurities to your eyelashes. Of course, a part of them may get into your eyes and cause some nasty irritations.

Brushes and other beauty items

On one hand, we owe flawless and long-wearing makeup to them but on the other hand they may contribute to encouraging skin imperfections. To avoid this, you have to clean all your makeup brushes and other beauty accessories once a week. Fresh, warm water,  a makeup remover and a decent antiseptic lotion are all you need. The drying technique you apply also matters. For example, makeup brushes should be put away somewhere in a warm place. Of course, using a hair dryer to speed up this process is a bad idea.

Did I miss something? Are there any pieces of advice on proper beauty product storing that I haven’t mentioned in this post? Tell me!