Without doubt, aging is an individual matter – not every single 30-year-old woman has crow’s feet, puffy eyelids, dull and flabby skin, discolorations… What can be also taken for granted, exposing face to improper skin care practices will surely result in noticing such blemishes before turning 35. What are the best skin care habits that should be developed around 30? What beauty products and cosmetic procedures are most recommended?


Firstly, cleanse skin thoroughly in the morning

This is a golden rule that should be stuck to no matter the age you are. However, when your skin turns 30, it’s better to change regular face washes to those containing more antioxidants. Such products not only make skin clean but also supply it with a portion of precious rejuvenating substances – your skin will be grateful to receive them in the morning.

Secondly, choose dedicated face toner

Sadly, face toner is an undervalued cosmetic that in fact makes one of your greatest allies in the fight against ageing. Being runny, face toner has no problems with penetrating skin really fast and reaching its deepest layers. Don’t resign from using it. The next time you are shopping for beauty products, put into your basked a quality face toner that will not only soothe your skin and balance its pH but also offer you some anti-ageing properties.

Thirdly, treat your skin with products containing antioxidants to fight back free radicals

The most common and surprisingly effective antioxidant which you can use in the morning is vitamin C. Reach for a fine and stable form of vitamin C and apply it in a face serum. Once you apply it, always follow with a cream. If this is your morning beauty routine, make sure that the face cream offers you also sun protection. During spring and summer months, when the sun is bright, the SPF should reach even 50 – the sunlight is responsible for speeding up skin ageing processes. Last but not least, a high quality face cream is also able to prevent sun pigmentation.

Fourthly, get your skin something nice in the evening

At bedtime use cosmetics that work more intensively than the ones you use for day skin care because at night skin regenerates faster and better. Turn to preparations containing fruit acids, peptides, anti-oxidants, skin-reviving substances such as resveratrol or retinol, which is one of the finest skin care substances that you can treat your face with. It’s a good idea to give retinol serum a try and then follow with a face cream with antioxidants: stem cells or coenzyme Q10 make a perfect choice for nighttime care.

Fifthly, once in a while expose your face to an intensive skin therapy

Enzymatic peel is a marvel and using it to remove dead skin cells gives you nothing but benefits. The truth is, treating skin with scrubs is essential no matter the age you are because in this way you expose the youthful skin and improve its absorption abilities. This means that when deprived of dead epidermal cells, skin absorbs more nourishing substances that you deliver with creams and serums.


When talking about beauty treatments for thirty-year-olds, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy happens to be the first thing that comes to our minds – it leaves skin moisturized, more resilient and tight. Obviously, there are also several other beauty treatments that improve skin appearance and its condition. Some of them include Skinbooster and Hydrobalance. The basic substance used for both cosmetic procedures is hyaluronic acids that is able to bond water molecules in epidermis, ensures long-term hydration and stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen.

Restylane Vital and Vital Light are other beauty treatments that women after 30 should consider as highly beneficial. Again, both treatments make use of hyaluronic acid, yet the concentration of the very acid used in the procedures differs. Both are highly effective because contrary to mesotherapy, Restylane Vital and Vital Light transport hyaluronic acid to dermis, not epidermis. To enjoy the most satisfying effects, you have to expose your skin to three sessions that are done with a month-long intervals, then you should get the hyaluronic acid resupplied every 4-6 months.