Laser hair removal has been a thing for a couple of years now. It effectively removes unwanted hair. Too bad some of you won’t make use of this treatment. Surprisingly, hair color is one of the contraindications. Let’s check which color means the easiest hair removal and which one makes the treatment pointless.

Melanin vs laser hair removal

Melanin is a natural pigment that gives color to our eyes, skin and hair. Protection against harmful effect of solar radiation is other function it plays. Hair removal uses a laser beam to affect melanin. The light is absorbed by melanin and transformed into warmth. This phenomenon leads to effective removal of hair.

Which hair color is easiest to remove?

The effectiveness of hair removal depends on the hair color. Dark, thick, strong hairs – typical of calves, bikini and armpits – are the easiest to remove. On the other hand, laser therapy isn’t so effective on hair on other body parts as well as light-colored hair. How come?

Light-colored hair removal

Removing light hair with laser doesn’t give satisfactory effects. You can have it done but you must be aware it won’t give you full results. You get the poorest effect if your hair is red, blonde or gray because this means it has too little melanin. The laser beam isn’t absorbed by the hair structure so the effect doesn’t give desired result. If you’re a blonde, ideally you should consult a cosmetologist and ask for advice.

Dark hair removal

Hair removal is the easiest to perform on dark, thick hair. Strong contrast between skin and hair color means better results. It is important that you don’t go for laser hair removal if you have fresh suntan or very dark skin. The treatment would cause irritations or even burns because laser beam is absorbed by melanin in skin, not in the hair bulb. Series of 6 treatments done once a month brings desired effect. This frequency is a must to carry out the procedure during proper hair growth phases.