Dear ladies,

I really missed you! I hope that you’ve discovered many beauty makeup hits during my break, just like I did! Today I want to talk about a real cosmetic gem. Interested?

Brow makeup can be difficult to do. I know many women who prefer visiting a beautician for treatment to doing their eyebrows themselves. Why is it that way? It’s not about the lack of skills but poorly-chosen products that don’t meet anyone’s expectations!

OK then, well, is there a product that would suit all eyebrow types? I believe that there is!

It’s Nanobrow Eyebrow Pomade. Since I’ve been using it, I have had no difficulties with colouring my eyebrows and I’m sure you’ll eliminate this problem as well.

Quick and easy application

The waterproof brow pomade of a creamy consistency by Nanobrow has mesmerized me with its effectiveness from the very start. One of its biggest advantages is the easy application. You don’t need any special skills to shape your eyebrows ideally and fill them in with a lovely colour – with Nanobrow Eyebrow Pomade you will see your eyebrows transform completely in a flash! The brow pomade lasts on brow hairs for several hours so you can forget about doing any touch-ups throughout the day.

Scoop a small amount of the brow pomade onto a brush and, using short strokes, outline eyebrows, defining their lower and upper edges. Then, fill your eyebrows with the chosen colour. That’s all! So simple, right?

Enhancement and emphasising of eyebrows I always dreamed of

I have thin eyebrows so I wanted a product that would fill them in in a way that makes them appear much fuller. The Nanobrow pomade works perfectly for this purpose. Thanks to this product I can take care of the precision as the brow pomade draws additional tiny hairs. I stopped struggling with mapping and colouring eyebrows which became enjoyable.

Three colours of nanobrow Eyebrow Pomade

Nanobrow Eyebrow Pomade offers three wonderful shades. I believe you will easily choose the right one for you. Each of them looks very natural:

– Light Brown
– Medium Brown
– Dark Brown

What I love Nanobrow Eyebrow Pomade for:

+ I create the exact shape I desire
+ the formula isn’t sticky and hairs are separated
+ I ensure a natural yet expressive effect
+ I fill in and emphasize my eyebrows 
+ I eliminate unwanted irregularities
+ I tame even very unruly hairs

Nanobrow Eyebrow Pomade – my way for beautiful eyebrows

The Nanobrow pomade is created in mind with those who are looking for a foolproof performance.
The precise creamy brow pomade strengthens eyebrows and boosts their shine excellently well. It will definitely become a staple in my makeup bag. I use it every day and I’m sure it will work great for you too.

I tested many of these types of products but only Nanobrow Eyebrow Pomade let me achieve the desired effect.

What about you? Did you know about the impressive Nanobrow brow pomade? How do you take care of eyebrow hairs? Make sure to let me know!

Have a nice day!

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