Hello lovely ladies 🙂

Do you want to know how to make yourself look younger, get rid of fatigue and wipe off past few days of your face? Do you think it’s impossible? After reading my post you’ll be less skeptical because I intend to show you a new face of exfoliator. You’ll be surprised how much your skin can gain thanks to regular exfoliation!

Exfoliator – what is it?

It is best explained by my boyfriend. Allow me to cite our conversation:

  • Why you rub your face like that with this paste, you’ll hurt yourself!
  • No, I’m not, come on. It’s so that my face is smooth just like the baby’s skin. It’s an exfoliator, it exfoliates.
  • Oh, it’s like a skim coat for the face.

Yeah. Only he could compare exfoliator to skim coat. However, all in all, he’s not entirely wrong. It’s, in fact, a graphic representation of exfoliator, we rub off what’s unnecessary, old and rough to show what’s new, smooth and pretty. Exfoliator is (usually) mechanical removal of the dead epidermis. Thanks to it, the ‘new’ skin is revealed. Apart from mechanical exfoliators, there are also gentle enzymatic ones which are very convenient and do not require rubbing.

The action or what a good exfoliator can do?

If you use a good-quality exfoliator, it can work miracles. I’d like to point out that it is not a sentence expected to throw you into unhealthy excitement. It is just a plain and simple truth. A good exfoliator is one of the best-revitalizing treatments for the skin. Here’s what it can do:

  • makes skin smooth
  • removes dead skin cells
  • regular use removes hyperpigmentations
  • stimulates blood circulation, speeds up skin regeneration
  • inhibits aging processes
  • makes skin better absorb creams, balms, facial masks and serum
  • removes toxins
  • regulates sebum and cleanses pores
  • helps make skin supple and removes cellulite
  • removes callous (no more problem of rough elbows or feet)
  • prepares skin for following it treatments (perfect before sunbathing)

Facial exfoliator

The facial exfoliator is a key to youthful appearance and perfect skin condition. It sounds like an exaggeration, well but that’s all true. If you start the regular exfoliation, you’ll soon observe that you have fewer problems – its general condition will be perfect, complexion even, skin smooth, nourished, brightened and full of youthful vitality. There will no longer be any blackheads, excess sebum or other imperfections. Improved microcirculation will also flatten wrinkles and make skin age slower.

Body exfoliator

Body exfoliator is a super-fast method for silky smooth skin with no hyperpigmentations or roughness. One of the most popular body exfoliators is a heroic anti-cellulite scrub. Does it work? Hell yeah! Even the homemade exfoliator can brilliantly eliminate cellulite. Just mix coffee dregs, natural oil, e.g. argan or sweet almond and a few drops of essential grapefruit oil (literally 2-3 drops, no more, because essential oils are highly concentrated). The regular use of coffee-based exfoliator improves blood circulation and speeds up toxins elimination, which significantly helps with getting rid of cellulite.

Feet exfoliator

Feet are a pretty neglected part of the body and they almost always require a bit more attention after the winter – calloused, hard and rough heels… it’s a vision that in no way fits with sandals, right?

That is why after the winter perfect is an acid exfoliator. Try to get special exfoliating socks and put them on – keep them for as long as the manufacturer recommended. This sort of regeneration will get rid of all unwanted old skin and you, later on, can regularly use only the ‘regular’ mechanical feet scrub to maintain the results.

Hand exfoliation

A similar effect can be achieved by exfoliating hand gloves, so if winter has been hard on you, then I recommend you to do acid treatment for hands as well. The gloves are a bit gentler than the socks for feet so you do not have to worry that the epidermis will peel off your hands 🙂 However, hands will benefit from gloves as they will become smooth and brightened. When used on a regular basis can help even mature skin with hyperpigmentation to brighten, be smooth and young.

What do you think? Don’t you think that exfoliator is a truly brilliant cosmetic invention? Do you like facial exfoliators? Do you do body exfoliation on a regular basis? What about the feet and hands? Do you have your faves when it comes to exfoliators? Let me know in the comments below 😀 Toodles!