We all do know this really well that there is more to beauty than stunning hair, neat nails and flawless face skin. Whether we are perceived as good-looking people or not depends on our teeth, too. This is why I’m going to discuss the subject of teeth whitening. Reportedly, many people don’t know how to make their teeth whiter. How to do this at home instead of spending a fortune on incredibly expensive in-office treatments? Luckily, there are several proven ways of making teeth whiter. Want to know them? Read on!

Why are my teeth yellowish?

I’m sure that many of you keep asking yourself this question, don’t you? If your teeth remain yellowish even though you brush them vigorously and make sure that your oral cavity is in a good condition, then probably either the genes or excessive consumption of coffee, tea and cigarette smoking are the ones to blame. Sadly, there also certain dishes that turn teeth yellowish. There are even some drugs that change your oral cavity’s pH into more acidic, which in turn attracts more bacteria responsible for ruining the good-looks of your teeth.

I’m an enthusiast of using home remedies for making teeth whiter. They are completely natural and non-invasive (they won’t cause damage to the enamel). On the top of that, such treatments are as cheap as chips. Therefore, before you decide to spend money on professional teeth whitening treatments, give home ways of restoring the whiteness to your teeth a go.

How to naturally whiten teeth at home?

1. Turmeric to whiten teeth

Perhaps it sounds pretty incredible but this yellow and inconspicuous seasoning is good at making teeth whiter. Yes, it does. Additionally, it has an antibacterial effect. Turmeric works quickly, doesn’t damage enamel and makes sure that your breath stay fresh.

How to prepare turmeric toothpaste? Combine 1 spoon of turmeric with 1 spoon of coconut oil. If you want to have a really fresh breath, add one of the following essential oils: mint, sage or eucalyptus. Brush your teeth as normal. The looked-for effect will be plain to notice within a week of regular use.

2. Lemon to whiten teeth

The lightening properties of lemon have been long-know. This yellow fruit is able to take care of teeth, balance pH and intensify the feeling of freshness in your mouth. Also, it stimulates salivary glands which means that it helps protect gums and prevents infections. Obviously, lemon offers you a huge portion of vitamin C therefore instead of preparing a lemon toothpaste, just drink it! Squeeze the juice and mix with warm water. While drinking, you may try to rinse the teeth (but don’t spit the juice out). Just make sure that the juice reaches each tooth 🙂

3. Charcoal to whiten teeth

Although beauty products with activated charcoal have been enjoying their big comeback, black toothpastes aren’t nothing new to us. As you probably know it, charcoal is known for its cleansing and highlighting properties, which – by looking at the black color – seems to be quite mind-blowing. The main properties of charcoal focuses on fighting back bacteria and removing discolorations from teeth.

Preparing your own black paste isn’t troublesome. Crush 1 pill of activated charcoal and mix it with 1 spoon of coconut oil. I’ve also heard that many people combine regular toothpaste with charcoal, which isn’t a bad idea either. However, this takes time, which I obviously lack in the morning, therefore a ready-made mixture is more convenient for me.

4. Baking soda to whiten teeth

As far as I’m concerned, our grandmas – before leaving home for dancing –  used to make their smile whiter by applying baking soda. They mixed it with toothpaste or just add some water, apply to a toothbrush and started brushing.

However, I wouldn’t recommend this method to use it daily. It’d be better if you exposed the teeth to baking soda occasionally because it’s abrasive properties are pretty strong. What I want to say, baking soda might damage your enamel, which you would definitely want to steer clear of. Therefore, you should use baking soda to whiten your teeth no often than once a week.

5. Natural oil to whiten teeth

Celebrities and influences seem to be in love with this natural method for white teeth. Treating your teeth with natural oils delivers incredible effects, yet it requires you to be patient and systematic. To see any improvement, you must keep washing the teeth for 10 minutes! What oil should you choose to make the teeth whiter? Obviously, coconut oil because it’s antiseptic, disinfects oral cavity and leaves teeth whiter. Other oils that can be used for the same purpose is rapeseed oil, linseed oil and sesame oil. And as mentioned it earlier, you must be really patient because the first effects take long to appear – you need to devote 6-8 weeks to this treatment.

RECIPE: The best homemade whitening toothpaste

What is my favorite tooth whitening paste that I recommend? This is a combo of all the above-mentioned methods and ingredients. It looks like this:

  • 3 spoons coconut oil,
  • half teaspoon powdered turmeric,
  • half teaspoon of xylitol,
  • a few drops of eucalyptus oil.

Combine the ingredients. If you want to, you can enrich your homemade toothpaste with activated charcoal. Use it every day to clean your teeth. The good news is that coconut oil doesn’t go rancid therefore you can keep the paste on a shelf long.

That’s all! Do you know other methods of making your teeth whiter? Leave a comment!