In most cases, we don’t have time to do it, but we would like to give them a try. Therefore, we often reach for the ready-made face masks but… which one of you hasn’t used a homemade face mask just once? 🙂

When I was a little girl, I often experimented with food products, I used to combine them and create sometimes prettier or but mostly awful-looking mushes. I pretended that I was producing beauty elixirs which, of course, I wanted to test on my mum, aunts and grandma. Naturally, I was completely unaware that I was unconsciously reaching for pretty cool products such as this vividly yellow turmeric, natural yogurt, cocoa, fresh strawberries or banana. Now I know that we can create really effective DIY face mask by using the very ingredients. I eagerly return to these past experiments of mine.

Homemade face masks are the best!

I simply adore homemade beauty products – they are all-natural, free from preservatives and their composition is simple. They offer me something that my problematic and sensitive skin loves. 100% ingredients of clear origin.

I know that you can buy handmade beauty products online. Frequently, a customer can give directions for a particular producer how they want their handmade product to be like. Still, there’s nothing more satisfying and enjoyable than playing with the ingredients, combining them and creating your own beauty products, which is entirely customized!

What should you start making your DIY face mask from?

Actually, you don’t have to do any special and sophisticated preparations. However, I’ve prepared two short points to tick for those who like having everything planned beforehand.

  1. Define your skin type and its problems: once you know your skin type and what problems it’s affected by (e.g. acne, blackheads, broken capillaries), it will be easier for you to choose the right components and create handmade natural face mask that suits you in 100%!
  2. Collect the right accessories: naturally, you will need a bowl (or two), a spoon, spatula and something that you can use to mash the ingredients that aren’t liquid (a blender is okay, but a regular fork will also do).


Let’s begin with something simple, so as not to discourage ourselves. Here are my recipes for my favorite and really simple handmade face masks.

Avocado face mask

Perfect for fatigued, dull and dry skin. Avocado contains a huge portion of omega acids and as many as seven vitamins! How to create avocado face mask? Actually, you can just mash a fresh avocado and apply it to cleansed face skin, but of course you can enrich it with some extra ingredients. Therefore, you can mix a half-avocado with a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and a bit of natural yogurt.

Natural yogurt face mask

Another DIY face mask that is super easy to prepare is the one made of natural yogurt. The thicker and the less ingredients it has (e.g. no sugar added), the better. How to make yogurt face mask? Well, you don’t have to combine it with anything because natural yogurt alone is able to relieve irritations. However, if you feel like it, you can for example enrich it with a moisturizing honey (just a teaspoon will do).


Now, it’s time for me to give you my recipes for top face masks – it may seem to you that creating the below face masks is a little bit troublesome, but trust me, it isn’t. Also, the time you spend on preparing them will be worthwhile. Just wait for the results.

Homemade peel-off face mask

Convenient pads put on the nose that allow you to get rid of blackheads quickly can be made at home! And this isn’t difficult at all, therefore let me talk you into experimenting a little bit 🙂 You will need 1 teaspoon of gelatin and the same amount of milk. Mix gelatin with cool milk and put away to let it ‘gain volume,’ so to say. Then, I warm it up until it melts – but not boil! Now you can apply this homemade peel-off face mask to the areas affected by blackheads, which in my case is T-zone. The layer should be tick. Once it cakes, you should be able to take the pad off in one piece fishing out the nasty blackheads.

Face mask (or rather face scrub) with oat flakes

Another idea from me to you is a homemade face mask with oat flakes – it also plays the role of natural face scrub. I really like it because it leaves my skin smooth and revived, and on the top of that, it’s perfectly suitable even for sensitive skin. How to prepare homemade face mask with oat flakes? Pour hot water over a few spoons of oat flakes. Wait until it cools down and gets thicker. Then, put it on the face (of course, before doing so, you can add a few drops of sweet almond oil, milk and honey) and give yourself a delicate face massage. Let the residues sit on the face for 15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Famed turmeric face mask

Some time ago, internet went nuts about turmeric face mask that – despite having an incredibly intensive color – is supposed to reduce discolorations and even out skin tone. It’s also believed that this face mask is able to deal with acne and fine lines, but I don’t have problems with these so it’s hard for me to confirm this info. How to prepare turmeric face mask? You need to combine 2 teaspoons of honey, a pinch of turmeric, a teaspoon of lemon juice, a half-teaspoon of olive oil and 3 spoons of yogurt (optionally). Put it on face and let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse. Towel dry the face and follow with a gentle face oil to soothe possible irritations.

What are your favorite homemade face masks?
How about you? Do you know any tried-and-tested recipes for face masks?