Welcome, welcome, welcome!

This is supposed to be a short guide so – for a start – let me ask you a short question: Do you color your hair? If so, how do you this most cases?

There are a few types of women in the world – the ones who change hair color every season, the ones who keep dyeing the hair the same colour regularly, and the ones who rarely (or never) reach for a hair dye. I belong to the second group because I expose my hair to a color treatment at regular intervals and in most cases I go for the same shade.

Today I’m going to tell you about the most common hair color mistakes. Of course, there are a few ‘bad things’ that I did to my hair during the procedures that I carried out over the years. Before I managed to work out the the most effective method, I had tested various techniques of hair coloring. Usually, the results that most of them gave me were far from satifsying, sadly.

Let me wholeheartedly invite you to read my post!


Hair stylists tend to emphasize that we should approach the issue of hair coloring consciously and wisely. I guess, this should be compared with conscious consumerism, which is a wise cosmetic choice. After all, not each skincare product that we would like to use is good for our us. The same applies to hair color – a color that appeals to us doesn’t necessarily suit us.

Hair coloring must play in tune with our beauty type. You should realize that following prevailing trends blindly without reflecting upon the final effects is a really silly approach to take. In other words, when the world of rich and famous will be taken over by fiery red hair, then before reaching for a ginger hair dye, take a deep breath and think for a while… Does red hair color even suit me? Another issue that should be realized, there are hundreds of red shades, so if you feel this instant urge to get ginger hair, devote a while to look for the shade that would make you look more beautiful instead of going for the best-selling one.


Let’s discuss the most burning issue that the subject of hair color treatment is surrounded with. Should you dye the hair on your own, or is it the task that should be handed to the professionals?

To me, there are two sides to every question so it’s better to be aware of all advantages and disadvantages that both solutions have.

  • In salon hair coloring is a safer option (in most cases) because a professional won’t rather do anything wrong (providing that s/he isn’t only named ‘a hairdresser’ but lacks the skills). You should leave the salon with a color that suits you best and with nourished hair. Unfortunately, exposing hair to color treatment regularly is time-consuming and pretty expensive. And these two things are the biggest drawbacks of in salon hair coloring.
  • At home hair coloring is an option dedicated for the brave ones, who are self-assured of their abilities. Unless you can apply dye and choose the right products, don’t be surprised if you cause damage to the hair and that the final effects are far from what you wanted to achieve. Obviously, hair coloring carried out at home will work out, but you must practice a lot. Then, this option becomes a cheaper solution than visiting a hairdresser.

If you want to try your hand at hair coloring and dye the hair at home, you need to be aware of the most common hair color mistakes.


Here are the common mistakes made while coloring hair at home. However, I’ve heard that some of the ‘misconducts’ that I’m about to enumerate may also happen in… professional salons.

  1. No patch test – all hair dyes have one thing in common – they are filled with synthetic substances that may cause serious allergic reactions. Therefore, prior to exposing hair to such product, it’s crucial to run a patch test. Just 15 minutes of a hair dye left on an elbow is enough to verify whether the product good for us.
  2. Poor color choice – I guess, this is the classic mistake connected with hair color treatment. Only few take into consideration whether a particular shade suits their beauty type. What happens even more rarely is proper dye selection. And by saying this I mean that the same hair dye produces different effects on different hair.
  3. Disregard for time – hair color treatment is a procedure where every second matters. For example, if a hair dye is ready to be applied to hair, but you put this off, it will oxidize and change both its color and properties. Another issue concerns letting the hair dye sit longer of shorter than it’s supposed to. As it’s easy to guess, neither solution produces looked-for effects.
  4. Application of dye to damaged hair – this is a huge mistake that results in worsening the state of hair even more so you shouldn’t expect to get the effect you want to have. Please, bear in mind that a dye should be applied only to healthy and strong hair, unless you combine this procedure with so-called Olaplex, which is a hair reconstruction treatment.
  5. Too much dye – finally, another common mistake made while carrying out hair color treatment, which is applying too much product. Too much doesn’t mean better because in terms of hair color treatment, excess of hair dye has only negative impact on the final results.

I guess, this is pretty everything that I wanted to tell you about the subject of hair color treatment. Now it’s time for you to decide whether you are skillful enough to get a new hair color at home or whether you prefer leaving your strands to the professionals.

Kisses! 🙂