You often ask me about my favorite facial serum. I’m happy you are considering expanding your skincare arsenal with this essential product. It will bring lots of benefits for your skin!

I always choose a serum so it fits the current needs of my skin and the season of the year. Now, in the summer, Nanoil Anti-Redness Face Serum is my favorite and I wouldn’t do without it on hot days!

In today’s post, I’m answering the most popular questions you ask me.

Let’s dig in!

Who is Nanoil Anti-Redness Face Serum dedicated to?

The official website says it’s designed for couperose-prone skin and broken capillaries, but it works great for my sensitive and slightly dry skin! I think it will be very effective for anyone who has uneven skin tone, visible capillaries on face, redness-prone or very dry skin. If you’re an acne sufferer, it will soothe your skin and lessen inflammation – that’s what my sister says.

What does Nanoil Anti-Redness do?

It’s made for soothing the skin but here’s what I love the most:

  • it lessens my pigmentation spots
  • it moisturizes and nourishes my skin
  • it protects from the elements and other external factors

When did I spot the improvement?

To be honest, my skin felt more fresh and relieved after the first application. More visible effects took around three weeks to appear. I can see that the longer I use it, the better my skin looks so I’m not gonna give it up.

How long have I been using Nanoil Anti-Redness Face Serum?

Over three months have passed since I first used it! I apply it every single day and it’s a part of my morning routine. Whenever my skin needs more support, I use it even twice a day.

How do I use my Nanoil?

After waking up, I always splash the face with warm water and tone the skin (usually with rose water). When the skin is dry I apply a few drops of the serum on the face and neck, doing a gentle massage. Next I reach for an SPF moisturizer and I’m ready to go. Nanoil Anti-Redness Face Serum doesn’t cause make-up pilling.

Does Nanoil Anti-Redness Face Serum contain any alcohols?

None! Most of its components are natural and there’s no room for alcohols and needless additives. The formula is rich in 4 botanical extracts (linden, buckeye, cypress and punarnava). I love it because my skin tolerates only natural products!

What’s the volume?

Nanoil serum comes in a 50-ml bottle. It’s a lot and it lasts for several months even when it’s applied every day.

Is it vegan-friendly?

I haven’t found any worrying substances in the ingredient list. Product details on the official site say it’s suitable both for vegans and vegetarians.

Where to place an order for this serum?

I did it through but I’ve seen it on other websites too.

How long did I wait for my parcel?

3 days, I think it’s very fast.

If you still have some doubts or questions, I’ll be happy to answer them in the comments. <3

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